First Meeting

Thursday March 26, 2015
2.00 PM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Election of Board of Director                      Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: The position included Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Transportation Committee Member, Food and Beverage Committee Member, Cleanliness Committee Member. The result of selection is through voting among group members.

Conclusion: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek have been chosen as Chaiman, Mazira binti Mat Yuden as Vice Chairman, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri as Secretary, Lim Hui Shan as Treasurer, Caroline Chan Inn Inn as Transportation Committee Member, Nurul Suraya binti Shafei as Food and Beverage Committee Member, and Noor Liya binti Baser as Cleanliness Committee Member.

- Photos of group members during meeting.

Second Meeting

Monday March 30, 2015
10.00 AM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Activities to be run, Canvas model       Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: We have get the full title for this programme which is held a career seminar in SMK Kubang Golok by helping form 2 students who have weak assessment in their academic performance. Suggestions of activities for this programme are recommended from each member. Preparation of proposal base on business model Canvas.

Conclusion: The first activity suggested is career test. Facilitators will distribute career test form to all of the 69 students. After that, facilitators will analyze personalities of students and identify their potential, strengths and weaknesses, and helping them plan for their future career through the results of career test.
The second activity is sharing moment. Form 2 students will be divided into 8 groups and each group will have facilitators to guide them. Form 2 students will share their interests with facilitators so that facilitators can introduce courses that related to their interests.
The third activity is singing. The song that is chosen for increase the spirits of students is “Gemuruh Jiwa” by Faizal Tahir.
The last activity is “team building”. Form 2 students require to sketch the products that they wish to produce base on their creativity on mahjong paper. The purpose of this activity is to apply the values of entrepreneurship.
In preparation of business model Canvas, there are several category that need to be noted which key partners, key activities, value proposition, customer relationships, customer segment, key resources, distribution channel, cost structure and revenue streams.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

Career Seminar

Date: 20 May 2015
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Venue: SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

The objective of this programme is to provide opportunity for university students of University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) to get involved in helping students who are facing problems of choosing their careers in future. This programme is also can increase the interest of the university students of UMK on social entrepreneurship. 

Objectives (for Student SMK Kubang Golok) :

  1. To provide a foundation for students to understand their interests, abilities and challenges.
  2. The student will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to options and personal interests.
  3. The student will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work.
Objectives (for university students of University Malaysia Kelantan) :

  1. To expose the university students of UMK about the steps of starting a business.
  2. UMK students can carry out a research and observation about the directions of students of SMK Kubang Golok in more details.
  3. This programme can help in exploring the skills of university students in managing a business.
  4. This programme is giving a chance for student in learning to plan activities for running this programme. By having this opportunity, students can discover their creativity.

Learning Outcome

As a whole, this programme can attract students to understand which their desired career is based on their interest and specialty. At the end of this programme, students can get:
 i.            Identifying feasible and suitable career for students.
ii.            Developing skills in communication and teamwork.
iii.            Training students to voice out their opinions.
iv.            Highlighting the talents of the students. 

Third Meeting

Monday April 13, 2015
10.00 AM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Tentative programme                             Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: Two suggestion of time duration for the programme are 8.00a.m.until 12.00p.m. or 8.00a.m. until 5.00p.m. We have discussed the activities for each time slot. Activities that had been discussed in our previous meeting will be arranged in suitable time slot.

Conclusion: We have chosen 8.00a.m. until 12.00p.m. as our final decision for the time duration for this programme. The schedule was arranged as below:
8:30 a.m.    Registration

9:00 a.m.    Briefing

9:30 a.m.    Career Test
                   “Sharing Moment”
                   Divide Group

10.30 a.m.   Singing
                   “Team Building”

11:45 a.m.  Awards Ceremony
                   Souvenir Giving


Fourth Meeting

Thursday April 16, 2015
2.00 PM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Pamphlet designed                         Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: We have designed the cover page of the pamphlet and discussed about the items that need to put in the pamphlet.    

Conclusion: We decided to put the picture of SMK Kubang Golok, the title name, time, date and venue for this programme in the cover page. Special thanks in page 2 and it included committee members, volunteers, coordinator, and contributor. The purpose of organizing this programme is explained in page 3, and event schedule is in last page.


- Pamphlet of career seminar. 

Fifth Meeting

Monday April 20, 2015
10.00 AM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Blog management                        Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: Selection of the person in charge to edit and update the blog frequently. We have discussed about the elements that will be updated in the blog.

Conclusion: We have chose Caroline Chan Inn Inn and Lim Hui Shan as the persons in charge in editing and update the blog recently. They will update the minutes for every meeting and elements that have been discussed in the blog.

Sixth Meeting

Thursday April 23, 2015
2.00 PM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Paper work, Gantt chart                    Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: Preparation of paper work for the programme in order to get approval from our coordinator, Dr. Anis Amira binti Ab Rahman, and the person in charge of SMK Kubang Golok, Puan Hjh Nizah binti Daya. Another discussion is about the activities that will be listed in the Gantt chart.

Conclusion: The paper work included introduction, purpose, objectives, tentative, cost structure and so on. Each part of the paper work is assigned for each member. The activities / tasks to be listed in Gantt chart included contact SMK Kubang Golok for the confirmation of students involve, discussion and preparation paper work, approval paper work about the activities that will be run, send the paper work to SMK Kubang Golok, preparation for seminar/ programme and start the programme.

- The Gantt Chart that describe the activities and the timeline.

Seventh Meeting
Monday April 27, 2015
10.00 AM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Correction for paper work                 Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: The paper work has been checked by our coordinator, Dr. Anis Amira binti Ab Rahman but she pointed out some mistakes in our paper work.

Conclusion: We have been informed that we need to change our format. The tentative that we arranged in the tentative need to be more focus on helping students to identify their future direction. Therefore, we have to redo the paper work and send it to Dr. Anis for recheck before we send the paper work for SMK Kubang Golok.

Pamphlet for the programme

  • The pamphlet that we are going to use for the programme in SMK Kubang Golok. This pamphlet will be given to the Principal and teachers of the school.

    Visiting SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan. 

    - On the way heading to SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

    - Finally we arrived at SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

    - The environment of SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

    - While waiting for meeting Puan Hjh Nizah binti Daud.

    - Entering the office of SMK Kubang Golok, Bachok, Kelantan.

    - discussion with Puan Hjh Nizah binti Daud. 

  • Preparation of materials 

    • The lyrics of the songs (Gemuruh Jiwa & Standing In The Eyes of The World) that will be sing during the programme.

    • Cutting the papers of the song's lyrics.

    • The tag that we will give the students of SMK Kubang Golok in order to let them write their interested career.

    • The marker pen that will be use during activities. 

    • We are putting the papers into the tag.

    • All of the tags are ready for the students.

    Activities on actual day

    Our programme has been held on 20 May 2015, from 10a.m. until 2.30p.m. Before 8.30a.m., all of the students from L1T2 have gathered in front of UMK main gate and we started move to SMK Kubang Golok on 8.30a.m. 

    We are heading to SMK Kubang Golok.

    Here we arrived SMK Kubang Golok.

    We entered the school.

    We entered the school.

    The room that we are going to use for the programme.

    The session of "bacaan doa".
    The career test activities.
    The career test activities.
    The singing session.
    The singing session.

    The presents that are going to give the winner for "Team building" activities.

    "Sharing moment" session. Facilitators were explaining which subject or college they should focus on base on their ambition.
    Facilitators were giving suggestions about the product they can create.

    Students started to create their products by using their creativity and innovative.

    Students started to create their products by using their creativity and innovative.

    Students started to create their products by using their creativity and innovative.

    Students were presenting the product that they created.

    Students were presenting the product that they created.

    Students were presenting the product that they created.
    Our coordinator, Dr. Anis was giving souvenirs for the counsellor of the school.

    Our coordinator, Dr. Anis was giving souvenirs for the counsellor of the school.
    The photos of all students from L1T2 for social entrepreneurship class.


    Event Committee

    Caroline Chan Inn Inn                 A12A051
    Lim Hui Shan                              A12A197
    Mazira binti Mat Yuden                A12A230
    Munirah binti Mohd Yusri            A12A306
    Noor Liya binti Baser                  A12A342
    Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek         A12A401
    Nurul Suraya binti Shafei            A12A495

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