Monday 4 May 2015

EVENT PLANNER - Minutes for Third Meeting

Third Meeting

Monday April 13, 2015
10.00 AM
At Laman Siswa

Attendees: Caroline Chan Inn Inn, Lim Hui Shan, Mazira binti Mat Yuden, Munirah binti Mohd Yusri, Noor Liya binti Baser, Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek, and Nurul Suraya binti Shafei. Members at the meeting totaled 7.

Agenda Item: Tentative programme                             Presenter: Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek

Discussion: Two suggestion of time duration for the programme are 8.00a.m.until 12.00p.m. or 8.00a.m. until 5.00p.m. We have discussed the activities for each time slot. Activities that had been discussed in our previous meeting will be arranged in suitable time slot.

Conclusion: We have chosen 8.00a.m. until 12.00p.m. as our final decision for the time duration for this programme. The schedule was arranged as below:
8:30 a.m.    Registration

9:00 a.m.    Briefing

9:30 a.m.    Career Test
                   “Sharing Moment”
                   Divide Group

10.30 a.m.   Singing
                   “Team Building”

11:45 a.m.  Awards Ceremony
                   Souvenir Giving


Event Committee

Caroline Chan Inn Inn                 A12A051
Lim Hui Shan                              A12A197
Mazira binti Mat Yuden              A12A230
Munirah binti Mohd Yusri          A12A306
Noor Liya binti Baser                  A12A342
Nur Aniza binti Mohd Sidek       A12A401
Nurul Suraya binti Shafei            A12A495

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